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Главная » 2009 » Лютий » 28 » Geometric Data Structures for Computer Graphics [en]
Geometric Data Structures for Computer Graphics [en]
 Hardcover: 350 pages

Publisher: A K Peters Ltd (February 1, 2006)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 1568812353

ISBN-13: 978-1568812359

Data structures and tools from computational geometry help to solve problems in computer graphics; these methods have been widely adopted by the computer graphics community yielding elegant and efficient algorithms. This book focuses on algorithms and data structures that have proven to be versatile, efficient, fundamental, and easy to implement. The book familiarizes students, as well as practitioners in the field of computer graphics, with a wide range of data structures. The authors describe each data structure in detail, highlight fundamental properties, and present algorithms based on the data structure. A number of recent representative and useful algorithms from computer graphics are described in detail, illuminating the utilization of the data structure in a creative way.

About the Author

Elmar Langetepe is an assistant professor at the University of Bonn, Germany. He received a MSc in mathematics from the University of Osnabrück, Germany and a Ph.D from the University of Hagen, Germany.

Dr. Gabriel Zachmann is an assistant professor at the University of Bonn, Germany and heads a research group for novel interaction methods in virtual prototyping. He received his Msc. in computer science from the Technical Univesity Karlsruhe, Germany and his Ph.D from the Technical University Darmstadt, Germany.
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