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Главная » 2009 » Лютий » 28 » ShaderX2: Shader Programming Tips and Tricks with DirectX 9.0 [en]
ShaderX2: Shader Programming Tips and Tricks with DirectX 9.0 [en]
 Paperback: 400 pages

Publisher: Wordware Publishing, Inc.; Pap/Cdr edition (October 25, 2003)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 1556229887

ISBN-13: 978-1556229886

After the tremendous success of Direct3D ShaderX: Vertex and Pixel Shader Tips and Tricks, I planned to do another book with an entirely new set of innovative ideas, techniques, and algorithms. The call for authors led to many proposals from
nearly 80 people who wanted to contribute to the book. Some of these proposals featured introductory material and others featured much more advanced themes. Because of the large amount of material, I decided to split the articles into introductory pieces that are much longer but explain a lot of groundwork and articles that assume a certain degree of knowledge.
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