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Главная » 2009 » Лютий » 28 » DirectX 9 Graphics: The Definitive Guide to Direct 3D [en]
DirectX 9 Graphics: The Definitive Guide to Direct 3D [en]
 Publisher: Wordware Publishing, Inc. (May 25, 2005)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 1556222297

ISBN-13: 978-1556222290

DirectX 9 Graphics is the most comprehensive DirectX graphics reference currently available. Unlike other titles, this unique book takes the reader from beginner to advanced level, demystifying DirectX by starting with the basics of setting up a DirectX application and finishing with the exciting intricacies of real-time 3D animation. In one single volume, this book can help DirectX programmers of all levels make cutting-edge games that sell!

About the Author

Alan Thorn is an experienced and well-traveled freelance programmer and games developer living in London. He frequently fulfills the roles of programmer, graphic artist, writer, and special effects expert as he delivers creative solutions to some of the largest corporations in the entertainment and leisure industry. He is also the author of DirectX 9 User Interfaces: Design and Implementation.
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